

Kate Maynard and Toby Wilton analyse miscarriage of justice compensation

22 Aug 2023

Kate Maynard and Toby Wilton have written an article for The Justice Gap which analyses the vexed issue of miscarriage of justice compensation following the quashing of the wrongful conviction of their client, Andrew Malkinson.

Mr Malkinson spent 17 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Kate and Toby represent Mr Malkinson in his civil claims for compensation for wrongful conviction. They work alongside the charity APPEAL, which represented him in his application to overturn his conviction.

While the Government recently announced that it would cease the unfair practice of deducting ‘saved living costs’ – AKA prison room and board – from the compensation due to victims of miscarriages of justice, Kate and Toby explain that other remaining compensation injustices remain in the statutory compensation scheme.

They explain how, notwithstanding this most recent change, “the statutory scheme for compensating victims of miscarriage of justice remains seriously flawed”.

Kate and Toby’s article is here.



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