Since 2017, individuals whom the police think they may want to re-interview in the future can now be released from custody under one of two regimes: either on police bail or ‘released under investigation’ (RUI)
The main difference between police bail and RUI is that anyone ‘released under investigation’ will not have the restrictions that can, depending on their severity, have a significant impact on personal and professional life.
The 2017 law change was introduced as there was a concern that suspects were spending far too long (months and sometimes years) on police bail. The new regime means this no longer happens to the same extent, but there are new concerns that suspects are remaining on the ‘Released Under Investigation’ (RUI) status for longer than is necessary.
Hickman & Rose is at the forefront of efforts to ensure that clients who are ‘released under investigation’ have this status rescinded as soon as legally possible. We have achieved significant success persuading police forces either not to subject clients to any bail conditions; or, if they are deemed necessary, that conditions should be as light as possible.