Tom Bushnell in Financial News on rise in FCA opportunistic insider dealing investigations
19 Mar 2024
Hickman & Rose’s Tom Bushnell has been quoted in Dow Jones’ Financial News magazine commenting on the rise in FCA investigations into allegations of “opportunistic insider dealing”.
The Financial News used data obtained under Freedom of Information law to reveal that “opportunistic” cases now represent 77% of all the FCA’s open insider dealing investigations.
Tom Bushnell told the Financial News: “We have recently seen a significant increase in enquiries from non-professional traders who have been contacted by the FCA regarding allegations of insider trading.
“These people may have only rarely bought or sold shares. They may also have a friendship, or family connection, to someone who may be expected to possess market sensitive information.”
The full Financial News article is available to subscribers here, and to non subscribers on page 13 here.